Our tool provides forecasted power production wind ressources and simulates the impact of maintenance operations on revenues


Forecast wind resource, impact of planned maintenance on operation, power output vs budgeted or targeted production, ...


< 2 weeks


Multiple access, monthly and real time report generation and sharing

Why do you need WinCAST®?

Maintenance tasks, power network injection schedules, and wholesale transactions are significantly influenced by anticipated spot prices and expected production.

Our tool bridges the gap between your wind turbines' projected power outputs and your commitments regarding upcoming maintenance, wholesale transactions, injection. nominations and balancing strategies.

How WinCAST® works?

WinCAST® processes turbine data, external wind forecast data, and uses algorithms and trained neural networks based on historical alarms and underperformance events. With WinCAST, you gain access to power curve estimations and production predictions for up to 72 hours, accompanied by a comprehensive set of indicators designed to enhance your maintenance operations and decision-making.

For advanced users, WinCAST® may at any time be expanded to integrates a lot of elaborated tools based on the most recent innovations. And depending on your own existing data, we can add scripts to create customised module and optimise you future performance.